Do you know when to take your child to a dentist? If you said “no“, then you have come to the right place. Any negligence or ignorance with respect to your child’s dental health can lead to some serious dental issues for your child in the near future. Knowing when your child needs medical attention will help you prevent the current dental problem (if any) from advancing. According to Edmonton dentistry, you should immediately take your child to a dentist if he/she experiences any of the below signs.

1. Toothache

A toothache is the first sign of any dental problems. An unbearable toothache can be caused because of tooth decay, cavity buildup, chewing hard food, and many other reasons. Ignoring this can make the problem more severe and can take a longer time to treat. Therefore, when your child complains about a toothache, take him to a dentist immediately.

2. Cavities and Decays

There are times when your child may not feel severe pain during the start of cavity buildup. As and when the cavity increases and the tooth is decayed, your child can face severe pain. Keep an eye on their teeth. Look for any holes or blackish-brown spots in their teeth. Also, having a regular dental clean up can help protect their teeth from cavities and decays.

3. Swollen Gums

Improper oral care can lead to gum diseases. This can make your kid’s gums swollen, and the gums might even bleed. Also, excess accumulation of plaque can lead to swollen and painful gums. This can make it difficult for your child to eat, and this will even hinder the process of brushing and flossing.

4. Early Tooth Loss

Baby teeth or milk teeth begin to fall after a certain age, and then your child gets the permanent teeth. If the teeth fall before time, it can affect the position of the nearby baby teeth. Eventually, it can be difficult for the adult teeth to grow properly in the right direction. This can lead to misaligned teeth in the future. According to Edmonton dentistry, if the baby teeth start to fall before the age of four, it is better to consult a dentist to know if there is any major cause behind it.

Taking your child for a regular dental checkup can help diagnose dental problems at an early stage and prevent them from advancing further. Also, early dental care ensures that your child follows good oral hygiene and maintain his/her oral health.