One of the most important features of your face would have to be your smile! Whether it’s a friend, a family, a loved one, or even an acquaintance, a smile can brighten up another person’s day. Indeed, it is what everyone needs at this point—to smile and be smiled at. At the very least, it would help lighten the load during this pandemic.

As with all our bodily features, our smiles should be taken care of in order to maintain their internal and external health. Teeth that are well cared for would maintain their overall strength and white enamel. If it isn’t well-maintained, however, it may garner cracks and cavities, taking away that perfect, endearing smile!

In such a case, you have the option to tend to it, to nurture it, to care for it before the damage gets worse. There are times in which, in spite of your best efforts to maintain your pearly whites, small problems would still arise out of nowhere. If it isn’t the discoloration of your teeth, it would definitely be a slight misalignment from its usual position. You may attribute the first problem towards habitual intakes of chocolates and coffee, while the latter may just be attributed to the continuous growth of your teeth.

“What can I do to maintain the proper condition of my teeth?”

You have two options. The first would involve self-care of your teeth, accompanied by DIY solutions that are within the “highly affordable” range. The second option would involve the help of professionals such as dentists! They would be the ones to check your teeth and advise you about the proper care that you may do to it moving forward. 

Now, among these choices, there are pros and cons.  Allow us to clarify each of them:

For DIY Home Dental Care

There’s no need to go to the dentist with this method. If you’re planning to fix the alignment of your teeth, you have at-home aligners that you can buy online. They come in various designs and colours too! You may choose which one would best fit your mouth in order to straighten out a couple of your teeth from bulging from their usual spots. 

If your concern is more about the colour of your teeth, then there are also at-home whitening products that promise to whiten yellowish teeth. As with the at-home aligners, you may also buy these online. They have their instructions with them, so you’d be able to understand and apply the whitening method at the comfort of your home.

This may seem like a very practical approach since you wouldn’t have to spend too much money on consultations. However, the risk is also high, with many at-home aligners and whiteners not being approved by the Canadian Dental Association!

For Professional Dental Consultations

This may cost you a bit more than DIY dental care; however, you can be sure that the results of your dental consultation would be accurate since you’ll be looked at by the dentists themselves. 

If your concerns are all about yellowish and misaligned teeth, you will be given an option to have them treated right away. For the most part, a bit of cleaning would bring back your ‘flashy whites,’ while braces would be more of a solution towards the misalignments.

Unlike DIY home dental care, this is a lot safer. After all, these methods are done by a professional in the field of dentistry, and are a procedural way of maintaining your teeth. Yes, it may cost you more than the DIY option, but at least you’d have peaceful sleep at night, knowing that you went for the safest option possible!


It is difficult to have misaligned, damaged, and discoloured teeth. Aside from missing out on the opportunity to show others your supposed pearly whites, you may also find it hard to bite or chew your food, with every effort being reciprocated by searing pain. 

Don’t put off the chance to have your teeth checked by a dentist. Never trust DIY remedies as well, since they aren’t approved by the experts! Instead, go for a well-trusted solution that would retain your smile for many years to come.

At Edmonton Smiles, it is our job to make sure that your teeth are well taken care of—which is why our expert team of dentists in Edmonton are armed to the tooth with the necessary skills and experience in maintaining your overall dental health. Get in touch with us today to book an appointment!