As with many other things that get used on a daily basis, your teeth may become injured or worn down over time. This can lead to damage, decay, and pain. The normal wear and tear of everyday use may also alter the size and/or shape of a tooth. To prevent further tooth decay and to regain the strength and function of a tooth, your Edmonton, AB, dentist may recommend the implementation of a dental crown.

At Dr. Molly Rodgers Dental in Edmonton, AB, our oral health team is dedicated to ensuring that you have the best possible smile – one you will be proud to show off. This includes strength and functionality as well as aesthetics. For some individuals who are suffering with a broken tooth structure or decay, the answer may be dental crowns.

When you make an appointment with our dental hygiene team, we will go over your medical history with you and examine the tooth which is giving your trouble. If you meet the criteria for a dental crown, we will explain the entire process to you and schedule you for the procedure.

Contact us today to learn more about dental crowns and to find out how covering the entire tooth with a crown may be exactly what you need.

What Is a Dental Crown?

Unlike a dental implant, a dental crown covers the existing portion of the tooth that is still in your gum. It is a type of dental restoration designed to return the aesthetic of your smile as well as the functionality and strength of your tooth. Dental crowns are made of several different materials, including metal, resin, porcelain, and ceramic. Each of these has its advantages and disadvantages, and our team at Dr. Molly Rodgers Dental will be happy to explain each one in detail with you.

If your tooth was not broken but rather diseased, you may have needed a root canal. Following that therapy, a dental crown is often placed over the tooth structure that remains to protect it and keep its function. The dental crown is designed to match your natural tooth color of the surrounding teeth.

What Is a Temporary Crown?

During the preparation process of your first dental crown visit (usually a 2-visit procedure), a temporary crown will be placed over top of the prepared tooth to prevent injury and to protect the tooth. This is only done while the permanent crown is created in a dental laboratory. In a short period of time, you will have a crowned tooth that will be indistinguishable from the rest of your teeth.

During your second appointment, the temporary crown will be removed and the permanent crown will be cemented into place once the fit and color are confirmed. Sometimes a temporary crown feels loose, but the dentist cements the permanent one so it will be fixed into place.

Who Would Be a Good Candidate for the Dental Crown Procedure?

There are a variety of reasons why an individual may be a good candidate for dental crowns. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Restoration of a broken tooth
  • Strengthen and repair a seriously worn tooth
  • Cover misshapen or severely discolored teeth
  • Protect a decayed and weakened tooth from breaking and cracking
  • Hold a dental bridge in its proper place
  • Cover a tooth which has undergone root canal treatment
  • Cover a dental implant

Your individual oral health situation will determine whether or not you are a good candidate for dental crowns, and Dr. Molly Rodgers Dental will be sure to thoroughly examine you and develop the best treatment plan for you.

Metal Crowns vs Porcelain Crowns vs Ceramic Crowns

Dental crowns can be made out of several different types of material, and the decision of which is the right one for you may depend on a variety of factors. At Dr. Molly Rodgers Dental, we can provide you with metal crowns, porcelain fused to metal crowns, all-resin crowns, all-ceramic crowns, all-porcelain crowns, and pressed crowns.

Below are some of the highlights for each type:

  • Metal crowns: rarely chip; extremely durable; require a minimal amount of tooth removal; ideal for out of sight molars due to the metal structure and color
  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns: matches the color of your natural teeth; metal can show through the metal cap revealing a thin line of metal, chip more easily by other opposing teeth
  • All-resin crowns: less expensive; you may get a chipped crown more easily
  • All-ceramic/all-porcelain crown: great for front teeth; match natural teeth color, great for those with metal allergies; not as strong as those fused to metal
  • Pressed crowns: longer lasting than porcelain since they use ceramic in the liner during creation in the dental lab; still capped with porcelain; great color match

Each of these options comes with a different cost, so it is important that you understand all of your options. You may also want to check with your dental insurance to see what dental crowns cost is covered or not.

Whether you want porcelain or ceramic crowns or metal or resin crowns, our team is here to walk you through the dental procedure and ensure you get the dental crown needed to improve your oral health.

Contact Our Edmonton, AB, Cosmetic Dentist’s Office

If you are suffering with a broken or decayed tooth and need a dental crown, contact our dentist’s office immediately to ensure that your weak tooth does not cause any further issues or damage to front or back teeth or any others in the area. Our team is here to provide you with the dental care you need as well as a pleasant dental experience.

Contact Dr. Molly Rodgers Dental in Edmonton, AB, today to discuss your damaged tooth and find out how a traditional crown can be your ticket to pain-free and stress-free oral health. We have the experience and skills to care for your entire family’s dental health needs, so bring everyone to see Dr. Molly Rodgers!