Your dentist probably calls or sends you messages every six months to remind you to get teeth cleaning services or have your teeth and gums inspected. While setting a cleaning schedule once every six months is ideal for many people in general, this might not be the best schedule for you. 

Instead of heading to the dental clinic only when you have a toothache or any other issues, it is best to check any dental problems every once in a while to prevent further issues. To determine how often you should visit your dentist, you have to consider your dental habits, oral hygiene, and medical conditions. 

Why Is It Essential to Visit My Dentist Regularly?

Even though you brush your teeth every after meals, floss regularly, and avoid consuming acidic or sweet foods and beverages to avoid tooth decay, it’s possible to have dental problems that cannot be seen nor felt until they are in their more advanced stages. To prevent any dental issues and have your dental problems be treated while they are still in their early stages, you should visit your dentist regularly since they are more than capable of checking any present problems that aren’t obvious.

When Should I Head to the Dentist More Often?

As mentioned, twice a year is a good rule of thumb to schedule your dental visits on average. But your dental appointments are best conducted based on your needs. This means some patients can have fewer visits, while others might need more frequent appointments with their dentist.

You have to visit your dentist more often than usual if you are a smoker, diabetic, or pregnant. It’s also important to take into account if you are sick or stressed as well as if you have a weak immune system and your body does not respond well to bacterial infection, you have gum disease, or you are more prone to getting cavities. 

Furthermore, you may also consult our dentists to discover how often you should set dental appointments. Get in touch with our dental team if you are having dental emergencies in Edmonton. We can help you address your dental needs right away. 

What Can I Do to Minimize the Number of My Dentist Appointments?

There are many reasons why you may opt to keep your dental visits to a minimum, such as cutting down your expenses and saving up money instead of shelling out your cash to dental treatments. The best way to achieve that is to maintain excellent oral hygiene, including brushing your teeth at least twice every day and flossing at least once a day. 

Meanwhile, in case you need more tips on how to take excellent care of your teeth and gums, feel free to head to our dental clinic. Our experienced dentist in South Edmonton will check the current health of your mouth and suggest possible dental treatments that work best for you.


Dental health is essential as this affects your overall well-being. One of the best ways to keep your teeth healthy is by determining how often you should see your dentist. Follow the mentioned tips above to ensure your dental health.

Whether you need a dental cleaning or cosmetic dentistry services, you can count on our skilled dentists in South Edmonton. We offer a wide variety of dental services according to your needs. Contact us today to book an appointment!