Cavities are among the most common oral health problems in the world. Cavities and tooth decay often afflict young children who have too much candy but forget to brush. They can also affect older adults who neglect regular brushing and flossing. As long as you have teeth, you are at risk of developing cavities.

That said, it may come as a shock to some people to find out that they have cavities, especially if they brush, floss, and take generally good care of their oral health.

What Are The Symptoms of Cavities?

There are some telltale signs that cavities may be present on your teeth. If you are worried you may have cavities, here are some of the most common symptoms to look out for. 

1 – Tooth Sensitivity

If you feel discomfort when your tooth comes into contact with hot or cold beverages, it may be a sign of cavities.

2 – A Black or White Stain on the Tooth

A visible black or white stain is a sure sign of a cavity. If you notice any unusual tooth stains, it is a good idea to see your dentist and have these stains diagnosed as soon as possible.

3 – Tooth Pain

Pain is your body’s natural way of letting you know that something is wrong. It is crucial to listen to signals like these. If you feel pain in your tooth, there is likely something going on inside the tooth that may not be visible on the outside.

Causes of Cavities

There are many causes of cavities, but the most common culprit is bad oral health practices. Cleaning and making sure no debris is left over from a previous meal is vital in cavity prevention. 

The main cause of tooth cavities is a substance called plaque. It is a sticky paste that forms on teeth that are not regularly cleaned. Plaque may be a combination of leftover food particles, saliva, bacteria, and acids found in the mouth. If dental plaque is not cleared off, it can be a cause for tooth decay and cavities. Plaque that is left unremoved for a long time on teeth will harden and become tartar, which will be much more difficult to remove the longer it stays on. The expertise of a dentist will usually be required to get the dental tartar out.

Dealing with Cavities

There are many dental procedures that can help remedy cavities on teeth. Dental fillings, dental crowns, and dental bridges are a few examples of dental solutions for cavities and tooth decay. However, the best way to deal with cavities is to change your oral health habits and visit your dentist regularly.


If you notice that you have cavities or you experience any of the symptoms that are mentioned above, it may be time to improve your oral hygiene habits and visit your dentist. However, if you feel that you are taking care of your teeth well, you may be doing something wrong, and it will still be a good idea to have your teeth checked by a professional.

Edmonton Smiles provides emergency and preventive dental services. We offer teeth cleaning services in Edmonton. Book an appointment with us for the best in oral health care.