People underestimate the value of having a good night’s sleep, especially those who don’t have illnesses that prevent them from sleeping regularly. Getting deep sleep allows you to regenerate your energy to face a new day, impacting your motivation and concentration to perform daily tasks. Unfortunately, not everyone has a choice on whether they can have a good night’s sleep or not.

Sleep apnea is a condition that interrupts people during their sleep, giving them chaotic sleep cycles. By preventing them from breathing regularly, they tend to wake up surprised and unable to sleep again comfortably. Although it may sound far-fetched, your dentists are the right person to reach out if you have problems with sleep apnea.

The dangers of sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is disruptive to people’s sleeping patterns and causes a lingering feeling of lethargy to people after waking. If left untreated, it can have significant long-term adverse effects on your mental and physical health. Besides causing a major inconvenience on your sleep cycles, sleep apnea increases your risk for other health complications.

Based on the Canadian Community Health Survey, Canadians suffering from sleep apnea are 1.8 times more likely to develop higher blood pressure. Additionally, this causes them to be 2.2 times more prone to heart diseases and mood disorders. The combination of physical and mental fatigue that a person develops in battling sleep apnea can have severe implications for your overall health. This is why it’s necessary to receive treatment for it immediately.

The role of dentists in treating sleep apnea patients

Dentists do more than care for your teeth and give you brushing and flossing advice. They can also provide treatment options by recommending oral appliances for patients that have mild or moderate sleep apnea. Mandibular advancement devices push your lower jaw forward to make your airways stronger and more rigid. Over time, users can alter the position of the device’s placement for better comfort.

Additionally, a dentist can recommend tongue retaining devices to keep the airway open by preventing your tongue from blocking it. Dentists coordinate with their patients to ensure that their chosen oral appliances can effectively minimize and eliminate their sleep apnea symptoms. Keep in mind that oral appliances can cause side effects if people struggle to find the right fit for them. However, it doesn’t carry the risks that invasive procedures have. It’s an effective middle ground if you’re looking for a safe and affordable solution to sleep apnea.

The benefits of receiving sleep apnea treatment

The common solution for sleep apnea treatment is to purchase a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. Although it’s an innovative product that is transforming into less bulky models, they’re still substantially more expensive than oral appliances.

Besides an oral appliance’s advantage in cost, their effectiveness results in generally positive responses among sleep apnea patients. Clinical trials show that receiving these devices with regular consultations with their dentist is the key to mitigating sleep apnea symptoms.


Taking care of your sleeping habits is just as important as paying attention to your oral care. Beyond brushing and flossing your teeth, you should see the importance of meeting with your local dentist to treat other illnesses like sleep apnea. Consulting with a healthcare professional is a step towards understanding your condition and making the necessary steps to treat or prevent severe illnesses.

Meeting with medical specialists will help you find the right solutions to your condition. Edmonton Smiles is an emergency dental clinic in Edmonton that can give you a professional diagnosis of your mouth’s condition. Book an appointment with us today!