Teeth Whitening in Edmonton

Professional Take Home Teeth Whitening

What Is Professional Tooth Whitening?

Contrary to common belief, professional whitening isn't lengthy or costly. Our Edmonton teeth whitening services involve using a custom-made tray and whitening gel, which contains a safe and effective bleach solution. When you come in for your appointment, Dr. Molly Rogers will demonstrate the process and give you an effective at-home treatment plan to achieve a whiter smile.

During your visit, we'll will assess your medical history and oral health to determine if whitening is suitable for you. If so, we'll craft a custom whitening system for you, along with detailed instructions from Dr. Rogers to ensure optimal results.

Before you know it, you'll be proudly showing off a whiter, healthier smile to everyone you meet!


While store-bought whitening strips are affordable and safe, they can't match the effectiveness of the professional dental treatment at Dr. Molly Rogers and Associates Dental Clinic in downtown Edmonton.

TV and social media ads may promise quick results, but maintaining whiteness often requires repeated purchases. Using some store-bought options could increase tooth sensitivity or even cause decay, compromising your oral health. Moreover, home remedies like coconut oil or hydrogen peroxide, though popular for teeth whitening, lack scientific support and can be harmful.

For dependable and effective dental services, consider Dr. Molly Rogers and Associates Dental Clinic. If you're a good candidate for teeth whitening, schedule your appointment today for a brighter smile you can trust.

Teeth Whitening in Edmonton, AB

Foods, drinks, and bad habits can lead to tooth discoloration and sensitivity. Coffee, tea, wine, and smoking are common culprits, causing unsightly stains that are challenging to remove at home.

Not only do stained teeth affect your appearance, but they can also cause embarrassment when smiling in public.

Many over-the-counter teeth whitening products make lofty promises they can't deliver. Similarly, home remedies like hydrogen peroxide and charcoal lack scientific backing. So, what can individuals with yellowed teeth do to eliminate surface stains and enhance their smile's appearance?

For a proven, safe, and effective teeth whitening solution, reach out to our in-office teeth whitening in Edmonton, AB for safe, long-lasting results.

Our dental team has the teeth whitening solution you've been looking for, providing transformative results through our in-office zoom whitening process.

Professional Take-Home Teeth Whitening

For around the same price as whitening strips, our team at Dr. Molly Rodgers and Associates Dental Clinic offers custom whitening trays and professional-strength gel for at-home use. Our Take-Home Teeth Whitening treatment, also available as a whitening kit, is a convenient and effective option.


Professional in-office whitening treatments offer a host of beneffits:

  • A brighter, more stunning smile
  • Increased confidence
  • Renewed enthusiasm for sharing your smile in public
  • A revitalized at-home oral hygiene routine to maintain the whiteness of your natural teeth
  • Encouragement to schedule and keep regular dental visits
  • A safe alternative to store-bought whitening strips


If you're tired of living with yellowed teeth, contact our Edmonton dental office to learn about our teeth whitening treatment, including our convenient Take-Home Teeth Whitening option.

With the support of Dr. Molly Rogers and our friendly staff, achieving healthy, whiter teeth from the comfort of your home with our take-home whitening kits is entirely possible.

During your visit, Dr. Molly Rogers will assess your teeth to determine if you're a suitable candidate for our at-home teeth whitening option.

If so, our dentist will create a custom whitening tray with professional-grade whitening gel for your use at home.

You'll receive guidance on using the trays effectively and realistic expectations for removing stains from substances like red wine, coffee, or smoking, and restoring your teeth to their original color.

Call Dr. Molly Rogers and Associates Dental Clinic today for more information or to schedule your teeth whitening appointment.

Check out our Other Cosmetic Services

Porcelain veneers are thin ceramic sheets that bond directly to the front surfaces of teeth, offering a simple and versatile solution for enhancing your smile.

We take pride in designing a smile that complements your unique features, taking detailed measurements to create a smile that harmonizes with your bone structure, age, and gender.

Dental crowns are restorations that fully cover the visible portion of a tooth, offering a durable solution for various dental concerns.

Maintaining good dental hygiene is crucial for the health of your teeth and gums. Our preventative care services are designed to help you look, feel, eat, and speak your best.

When a tooth extraction becomes necessary, you can rely on our dental experts to perform the procedure quickly and comfortably, ensuring you feel at ease throughout.


Call: (587) 410-5907
Text: (780) 996-2566
Email: [email protected]


Edmonton Smiles
2943 66 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6K 4A2


Monday: 7 AM - 6 PM
Tuesday: 7 AM - 2:30 PM
Wednesday: 7 AM - 2:30 PM
Thursday: 7 AM - 8 PM
Friday: 7 AM - 5 PM
Saturday: 9 AM - 5 PM
Sunday: CLOSED

Frequently Asked Questions


Contact the team at Dr. Molly Rodgers today to schedule an initial consultation for cosmetic dentistry services. We're eager to give your smile the attention it deserves!