Our teeth fall among some of the most important features about us that make us who we are. They help us chew and make food digestible, and they make our smiles look a lot brighter. After all, where would models, TV personalities, and beauty queens be without their perfect smiles? 

However, as easy as they are to take care of, they are equally easy to take for granted. Many people across all age groups suffer common dental problems, and as you can expect, these are never fun. 

Knowing about poor oral hygiene and how to avoid some of these problems is vital for timely diagnosis, effective treatment, and overall excellent quality of life. As such, we’ve made a list of some common dental issues for you to take in and digest. 

1. Gum Disease

Gum disease is a highly common dental problem that adults suffer from. In fact, it’s so common that you may not recognize the symptoms until the condition has had an advanced effect on your complete oral health. 

Some symptoms of gum disease include:

  • Bleeding gums – If your gums bleed when you brush or floss, it could be a sign of weak gums.
  • Loose teeth – Loose teeth are a sign of advanced gum disease, so don’t take it lightly and try to get treatment as quickly as you can to reduce the chances of replacement or permanent teeth removal.
  • Presence of pus – If you notice pus developing around the base of your teeth, you could be harboring a severe infection that can spread to other parts of your mouth. Have it treated immediately, and have your dentist prescribe some antibiotics. 
  • Swollen, tender gums – Healthy gums are supposed to be pink and firm around the base where the gum meets the teeth. If yours are not, make a dental visit immediately.  


Gum disease has three stages of development that begin with gingivitis. Gingivitis is reversible, but if left untreated, can lead to a more severe issue known as periodontal disease. 

Periodontal disease has to be treated right away; otherwise, it will lead to stage three of gum disease, known as advanced periodontal disease, which can loosen your teeth and have them fall off.  

Brushing at least three times a day and visiting your dentist regularly for a routine checkup can help prevent gum disease. Using a tartar-control toothpaste can also help you get rid of plaque and tartar. 

2. Tooth Decay/Cavities

Cavities are one of the most common dental problems and can happen even with infants. They are permanently decayed/ damaged areas in or around the surface of your teeth that cause tiny holes to develop. 

Cavities are caused by plaque from sugary foods that we eat. Frequent snacking and drinking sugary drinks such as soda can cause cavities among kids and adults. 

The sugar settles on the surface of the teeth and bacteria inside the mouth area feeds on this sugar, causing the tooth enamel that serves as the protective coat of your teeth to deteriorate gradually, leading to tooth decay. 

Common symptoms of tooth decay include tooth aches, tooth stains, high tooth sensitivity, and visible holes on the tooth surface.  

For good oral health, avoid food with high sugar and starch content such as cookies, soft drinks, ice creams, and cakes. If you do eat these foods because sometimes you can’t help it, make sure you brush your teeth after to avoid plaque buildup. 

Choose water instead of soft drinks and juices and ask for tooth sealant during your next dental checkup.  As for the kids, make sure they see a pediatric dentist who can look at your child’s baby teeth.  

3. Root Infection

If you’ve tried a root canal treatment, or know someone who has, then you know a root infection can be a very painful and uncomfortable condition.  

Root infections happen when bacteria infects the root area of your tooth and attacks the pulp tissue inside. At first, you might experience a slight toothache that you might easily dismiss. But eventually, it will develop to a more severe case, compelling you to undergo a root canal procedure. 

While most people may think of it as a painful process, it’s really not. Dentists provide anesthesia so that the patient does not experience any pain. However, the patient will feel the movement and pressure of the tools used by the dentist. 

The dentist will drill a hole through the middle of the tooth, then use a file to grind off the damaged surface to access the root. Once the opening is made, the dentist will use a suction tool  to suck out all the pus and infected tissue. They will then seal it with a gutter pacha, a hardening material that will help keep bacteria from entering the root again.

4. Bad Breath

Having a food particle stuck on your teeth while you were doing a presentation after lunch is embarrassing, but nothing is as bad as bad breath. Also referred to as halitosis, bad breath is a common oral problem for people of all ages. 

However, as common as it is, bad breath is often a sign of other dental issues. Cavities, oral cancer, gum disease, and tongue bacteria can all cause bad breath, but not always. Sometimes, it could be caused by what you’ve been consuming. 

Some spicy foods with excessive cumin, onions, and garlic can cause an odor in your breath. People with excessive drinking and smoking habits can also suffer from bad mouth odor. 

That’s why brushing after each meal is recommended to control bad breath. Use a mouthwash in situations where you can’t brush or gargle with fresh water after a meal. 

If the condition persists, make sure you bring it up during your next dentist appointment so the dentist can check for potential oral conditions that could be causing bad breath and prescribe dental medicine for treatment.   


Good Dental Health is Good Overall Health

For the sake of your smile and confidence, make sure you treasure your teeth. Just like every other part of your body, they can’t be easily replaced. With all the work they do every day in chewing and biting, they will experience wear and tear if you don’t take care of them properly.

Brush your teeth regularly  or after every meal. However, that may not be enough even if your teeth feel fine. Even people with a stellar record of keeping their teeth healthy and strong can experience common dental issues. 

As such, you should make sure you do frequent dental checkups to avoid oral health problems in future.  To book an appointment at Edmonton Smiles, contact us today. We provide preventive, restorative, and emergency dental surgery services to all our patients.