No one anticipates a dental emergency, but everyone should know what to do if they find themselves in a situation where they’ll require immediate attention from a dental professional. While there’s no way to know for sure what kind of emergency will happen, having a plan could help you save your or your loved one’s tooth.

To help you prepare, your dependable emergency dentist talks about some of the most common dental emergencies and what you can do if they happen:

Chipped or Cracked Teeth

Teeth may crack or chip due to an accident or an injury, but it may also be caused by something as simple as chewing hard candy or ice. It may also be due to teeth grinding. Whatever the cause may be, a cracked or chipped tooth demands an immediate visit to your dentist. To avoid infections, gargle with water to remove any debris in your mouth. You may also press an ice pack against your cheek if you feel pain. Make sure you keep your mouth clean until your dentist can check the tooth.

Tooth Decay

If you or someone in your family has been experiencing extreme sensitivity when eating or chronic toothaches, then that’s a clear indication that there may be one or more decayed teeth that can quickly escalate to a dental emergency. If your child goes through this pain, you might want to inform your pediatric dentist as soon as possible. Their dentist might advise the child to take some medication, but you’ll likely be asked to take the little one to the clinic. Patients with tooth decay may get a filling, a root canal, or, worst-case scenario, an extraction. 

Knocked-Out Tooth

A knocked-out tooth may be a result of trauma during contact sports or an accident. If you still have the tooth, rinse it carefully with lukewarm water, try to place it back in the socket, and keep it in place by holding the tooth by the crown. You don’t want to damage the root nerves in the process. If you can’t put it back, keep it soaked in a cup of milk until you can go to the dental clinic. Time is of the essence here, so make sure to inform the dentist as soon as possible so you can get treated and the tooth might be saved.

Loose Crowns

Crowns may be durable, but they can still get broken or loose. If either of the two happens, you must schedule a visit with your dentist immediately so it can be repaired. In the meantime, ensure that the crown’s inside is clean by rinsing it with water. Ask your dentist if it’s a good idea to apply dental adhesive on your own, too. 

What to Do If You Have a Dental Emergency

When facing an emergency, make sure you have someone call a dentist in your area who accepts emergency cases. If you have a dental emergency, Edmonton Smiles can  But there are things that you can to improve your chances of saving your tooth or getting a successful treatment:

  • Clean and preserve the lost tooth or dental work
  • Write down what happened in detail and any symptoms you are experiencing
  • Bring a list of all medications you are taking 
  • If possible, avoid eating or stick to fluids or soft food to prevent further damage and prevent infection


Sudden trauma or infection to teeth and gums often warrant immediate dental treatment. It can be painful and scary, too, if you don’t know what to do. But you have to remember that the treatment’s success is mainly dependent on how soon it is given. So make sure that you don’t wait long before contacting your dentist. 

Edmonton Smiles is a reputable emergency dental clinic in Edmonton. We also provide preventive care, pediatric dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and more. Contact us to know more about our services or to schedule a visit.