Good oral hygiene is very important for your dental and overall health. Most people focus on brushing their teeth to prevent cavities. Your gums also play a major role not only in your dental health, but in your overall well-being. Good oral hygiene requires brushing and flossing to maintain teeth, gums, and oral tissue.

Gums are made of delicate tissue that can easily be damaged by ineffective and improper brushing and flossing. If bacteria is not properly cleaned from your teeth and gums, the gums can become inflamed as a result. Swollen and bleeding gums are a sign of gum disease.

There Are a Number of Reasons You May Have Bleeding Gums:

Poor Oral Hygiene

Brushing the wrong way by putting too much pressure on the teeth and surrounding tissue can be a reason for bleeding gums. Vigorous brushing can damage the blood vessels in your gums and result in bleeding. When first starting a new flossing routine, your gums may not be used to flossing and can bleed. Likewise, when you floss inappropriately, you tend to damage your gums. Consult with our Dentists and Hygienists on how to properly brush and floss your teeth and take care of your gums.


When the gum tissue gets inflamed and bleeds, the most common infection that you may have is gingivitis. Gingivitis is a gum disease that occurs when the gums and teeth are not cleaned properly. Food residue that is not brushed and flossed away promotes the growth of plaque and bacteria. Plaque that is not properly cleaned will harden. This hardened buildup (known as tartar) breeds infectious bacteria, causing the gum tissue to become inflamed and bleed. Regular dental check ups and hygiene appointments will prevent gingivitis from occurring.


Untreated gingivitis will further exacerbate the inflammation and bleeding of your gums and lead to an advanced stage of periodontal disease or periodontitis. When gum disease is left untreated, the bacteria in plaque and tartar access the softer parts of your gum and affect the tissues beneath it. Gums will recede from the teeth as a result of bacteria feeding on the tissues. Bacteria can then gain access deeper to the roots and thereby cause a periodontal abscess. Prolonged periodontitis will cause the tissue to completely recede from the tooth and it will become loose.  Untreated, this tooth will need to be removed and further dental treatment will be required.


Medical conditions can also affect the gum tissues and make them bleed. Diabetes can cause bleeding gums even when you don’t have gingivitis or any other gum infection. Diabetes typically causes small wounds to bleed badly, so even light brushing can damage your gums seriously. A diabetic patient loses the normal immunity in their system and fending off germs and infections gets difficult. Consult our Dentists if you have diabetes to make sure your gums and tissues are being effectively treated.

Vitamin C Deficiency

Lack of important nutrients and vitamins in the body can cause many health problems. Vitamin C is used by the body to repair damaged tissues. A lack of vitamin C slows down the healing process in the tissues of your body, especially in the gums. When the gum tissues repair slower than an occurring infection, there is no way to stop the bleeding. Consult your Dentist and Medical Doctor if you think you are lacking any vitamins in your diet.

Other Reasons for Gum Inflammation and Bleeding

  1. Medications like blood thinners,
  2. Hormonal changes and pregneancy,
  3. Poorly fitting dentures and dental appliances,
  4. Smoking and Vaping

What are the Treatment Options for Bleeding Gums?

  1. Brush daily and effectively using a soft-bristled toothbrush and tartar fighting toothpaste.
  2. Floss daily between the teeth and gums.
  3. Use an anti-bacterial mouth-wash after meals, at least three times a day to help remove excess residue and bacteria from your teeth and gums.
  4. Stop smoking and vaping since the chemicals irritate gum tissue
  5. Regular dental and hygiene appointments for deep cleaning of teeth and gum tissue.

If you have bleeding gums, please call our dental office to schedule an appointment to discuss your situation.