If you experience excruciating pain in the teeth every time you consume something hot or cold, then you are likely to have tooth sensitivity. There are various tooth sensitivity causes. It is usually caused due to the erosion of tooth enamel that exposes the dentin and sensitive roots of the tooth. When these roots are exposed to bacteria or temperature variations it can cause pain. You’re not alone in battling with tooth sensitivity. It is common, and a large portion of the population suffers from this dental discomfort, which causes them to avoid consuming certain food items of their choice. If you are one of them, then you may have fallen prey to tooth sensitivity because of the following reasons:

Using a hard toothbrush and brushing aggressively

Sometimes teeth become prone to sensitivity because of the use of a hard toothbrush or because of brushing with too much force. Aggressive brushing and a hard toothbrush, both can wear the enamel and tooth cementum. Such erosion exposes the dental nerves to the food we eat and causes pain. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush and brushing your teeth gently is the simplest solution to prevent the protective layer of the teeth from eroding.

Intake of highly acidic foods and beverages

Do you consume sharp-tasting or sour food and drinks frequently? And, are you experiencing a toothache lately? Acidic foods and drinks cause tooth sensitivity. Over consumption of food and beverages that are high in acids can cause the enamel to wear off. This can lead to discomfort if the nerves of the tooth are exposed. Food items like citrus fruits and pickled products, and drinks like orange juice, coffee, and carbonated sodas erode the tooth enamel. You should try to prevent over consumption of these items.

Excessive use of whitening toothpaste and mouthwash

Be careful of dental hygiene products that you use to cleanse your mouth. Teeth whiteners contain bleaching chemicals, and mouthwash contains alcohol. Excessive use of over the counter teeth whitening products and mouthwash can damage your teeth and make them sensitive. If such products are causing you discomfort, consider switching to products which do not contain harsh chemicals. It is best to consult a dentist before using these products.

Clenching or grinding of teeth

You may be grinding your teeth while sleeping if you often find yourself waking up with a sore jaw. Instead of feeling refreshed you may experience immense pain in such cases. The habit of clenching or gnashing your teeth can lead to severe dental issues. Teeth grinding can be the reason for teeth sensitivity as it wears your tooth enamel. In such cases, you must consult a dentist for preventive measures to avoid grinding teeth.

Receding gum lines

Wearing off of the line of gum tissues surrounding the teeth can lead to gum recession. This is a gradual process that eventually exposes the nerves of the teeth and causes sensitivity. Receding gums can be caused due to some dental disease, aggressive brushing, or insufficient dental care. If you are facing such an issue, get it treated immediately to prevent further damage.

Tooth sensitivity can take away your freedom to eat anything you desire. If you are experiencing this dental issue and it persists no matter how hard you have tried, then take action immediately. Book an appointment at Edmonton Smiles today!