Everybody dreams of achieving a picture-perfect smile, that’s why the thought of getting tooth extractions sound like a dental nightmare for kids and adults alike. Removing a tooth is often necessary in many cases – whether it’s due to an impacted wisdom tooth, tooth decay, damage, and more.

Keep in mind that it’s a dental procedure that can only be performed when other treatments can no longer address the issue, making it a necessary step to treating complications like teeth crowding, tooth alignment, abnormal teeth development, gum disease, risk of infection, impacted tooth, and tooth trauma. 

Seeing as many misconceptions make tooth extraction sound scarier than it is, the list below should debunk these myths so you can proceed with the treatment with greater confidence:

Myth #1: Tooth Extractions are Painful

One of the most common misconceptions involving tooth extraction is that it’s a painful procedure that can leave you aching for days. However, modern extraction techniques use minimally-invasive tools and significantly effective anesthesia to ensure the patient remains comfortable throughout the procedure. 

The anesthetic also numbs the area surrounding the damaged tooth, so the dentist can loosen the tooth and pull it out of its socket in one smooth motion. Instead of letting your rotting tooth cause you pain for months on-end, extracting it will only take a few minutes, giving you instant relief with little-to-no downtime. 

Myth #2: Recovering from Tooth Extraction is Painful and Long 

Another gripe people have with tooth extraction is its recovery phase, which is often seen as painfully arduous. While it’s true that the tooth socket in question can feel sore, the discomfort can easily be relieved using pain medications.

Overall, you can recover completely from the extraction after a week, especially if you stick to the suggested post-treatment guidelines from your dentist. 

Myth #3: Everyone Needs to Extract their Wisdom Teeth 

Most people think that wisdom teeth should always be removed, but it’s not a necessary step so long as it grows naturally and in its proper position. Wisdom teeth should only be extracted if it causes you pain, or if it impacts your other teeth, which can cause everything to shift.

Removing the wisdom teeth should minimize the damages it can cause. Of course, you can anticipate this by taking an oral examination to see how your wisdom teeth will grow. If it looks like it will negatively affect your bite, then tooth extraction is a must.

The Bottom Line: Understanding What a Tooth Extraction Entails

Many people avoid getting tooth extractions because they fear it will be a painful experience. However, putting the procedure off will only result in costlier consequences – to your oral health and wallet, that’s why it’s important to clear up any widespread misconceptions involving this not-so-scary procedure. 

Why Choose Edmonton Smiles for Your Dental Needs?

Caring for your smile is critical to your confidence and overall health. When it comes to dealing with emergency dental problems, get in touch with our expert dentists in South Edmonton at Edmonton Smiles. We offer a wide range of services including dentistry for kids, and Edmonton tooth extractions, so give us a call at 587-410-5907 for a free consultation. We strive to give you a one-of-a-kind smile!