Did you know that Botox is not just for wrinkles and making you look 20 years younger? Botox treatments are also widely used to solve many dental related issues. Expertly injected botulinum toxin by your dentist can improve the following conditions:

1) Easy Treatment for Bruxism

Unintentional teeth clenching and grinding, also known as bruxism, can happen when a person is asleep or awake. Bruxism can be due to stress, anxiety, anger, or nervousness. Bruxism while asleep can also be due to several reasons such as crooked teeth, sleeping disorders such as sleep apnea, night terrors, dementia and gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD). Bruxism can also be hereditary. Irrespective of the cause, prolonged clenching and grinding can result in jaw disorders, headaches, earaches, facial pain, and damaged teeth problems such as loss of tooth enamel, increased tooth sensitivity, flattening and chipping of teeth.

Botox treatment is proven to be an ideal option for treating excessive muscle activity and spasticity such as bruxism. The right amount of botulinum toxin is injected in the jaw muscles (or masseter) directly, and the muscle is weakened enough to stop unintentional bruxism. The weakening of these muscles also results in relaxed muscles that reduce grinding and clenching. Although Botox treatment isn’t a permanent solution for bruxism, the effects can last for about three-four months.

2) Alternative Treatment for TMJ Dysfunction

Located on both sides of the head, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is used during talking, eating, swallowing, and other everyday activities. If this joint becomes displaced or is overworked through excessive bruxism, you may experience the symptoms of TMJ disorder or dysfunction. Identifying the real cause of TMJ disorder is often tricky. The pain may be due to a combination of issues just as a jaw injury, bruxism, genetics, or arthritis. If you consistently experience pain in your facial muscles that extends up to ears, a locking sound while chewing and opening your mouth, and difficulty while eating and laughing, you are probably suffering from TMJ issues. In serious and prolonged cases, surgery is the last resort. Botox treatment can be considered as an ideal solution in most cases. Botox is injected into any sore or painful muscles to relax them. Botox can help eliminate facial pain, grossly reduce TMD symptoms, and significantly help other associated treatments of periodontal disease by eliminating the chances of grinding and clenching.

3) Ideal for Jawline Reduction

This isn’t a dental problem, but a better jawline aids comfortable motion of jaw muscles and enhances overall facial appearance. Jaw muscles are extremely strong, especially for people who grind or clench their teeth. Over time, these muscles can bulk up, resulting in a squaring off of the lower face. Botox is injected into these muscles, causing them to weaken and shrink in size. The result is a slimmer, more youthful face shape. By weakening these muscles, the jawline softens into a slimmer, more oval shape within two to three weeks. Botox treatment cannot make a round or chubby face smaller, but rather it reduces the size of prominent masseter muscles that define the lower shape of their face.

4) Non-surgical Solution for Gummy Smile

A gummy smile, also known as gingival display, is when an excessive amount of gums or gingiva are visible over upper teeth. Gum tissue surgery such as gingivectomy or gum contouring surgery is the most common treatment for it. Botox treatment can be an alternative for these surgeries. When injected intramuscularly, Botox relaxes the muscles and decreases muscle activity. With regular Botox treatment, gummy smiles caused by hyperactive upper lip elevator muscles can also be reduced and give you confidence to smile more!

5) Quick Healing After Dental Procedures

Botox treatment also has indirect benefits for your mouth. If you have recently undergone dental procedures such as getting dental implants or braces, your jaw muscles will most likely be sore for the first few days, or even weeks. Keeping your mouth open for a long time during the procedures can impact your jaw, cheek tissues and muscles. As Botox relaxes these muscles, it can ease the soreness and pain caused by these procedures.

The biggest advantage of Botox treatment for dental-related issues is that botulinum toxin starts working on the facial muscles as soon as it is injected. Muscles bulked up in the cases of bruxism, spasms, TMJ disorder, etc. start getting relaxed in no time. Just as wrinkles begin to disappear within 24 – 48 hours after the injections, the symptoms of dental-related issues also diminish quickly.

Please call our dental office to find out more about the benefits of Botox treatment, side effects, procedures, and if you are the right candidate for it.