Best Tooth Extraction Treatment

Tooth Extraction in Edmonton, AB

As your wisdom teeth grow, they may crowd out other teeth, crack or even decay. To prevent crowding from happening, a dentist will typically remove the wisdom teeth before they can come in. If you're here because you searched "general dentist near me", you're at the right place.

Edmonton Smiles can determine when and if oral surgery is necessary to remove the wisdom teeth. General dentists will handle simple dental procedures like tooth extractions, while a dental surgeon will handle a more complex procedure like a root canal. Call us to learn more about our dental treatment options for restoring a healthy smile after teeth extractions.


As your wisdom teeth grow, they may crowd out other teeth, crack or even decay. To prevent crowding from happening, a dentist will typically remove the wisdom teeth before they can come in. If you need an emergency tooth extraction in Edmonton AB, visit our dental clinic, and we'll take care of your dental issue promptly. Whether you need wisdom tooth removal or adult tooth extractions, our Edmonton dental clinic has your back. We carry out safe and painless dental procedures.

Our priority at Edmonton Smiles dental clinic is to provide deep cleanings and general dentistry treatments, so your natural teeth stay healthy and less likely to require removal. In case of wisdom teeth removal has to go on, we use safe sedation techniques to minimize pain and discomfort during a dental surgery or procedure due to injury or disease. Our dentists will discuss your dental needs and explore options such as dental implants, bridges, and dentures to replace any extracted teeth.


When a tooth extraction becomes necessary, you can count on our dental experts to complete the procedure quickly and painlessly. During a tooth extraction, a local anesthetic will be used to numb the area where the tooth will be removed. We can also provide you with a sedative to ensure you feel completely at ease during the process and provide a stress-free environment.

Once this anesthetic takes effect, your dentist will cut away any gum tissue that lines the tooth, and then using forceps, gently rock the tooth free. If your wisdom tooth gets stuck in the jaw and cannot break through your gum line, the dentist will make a small incision in the gum tissue first to reach the impacted tooth. The dentist may remove badly damaged or decayed teeth in pieces.

Hard to remove teeth extracted in stages, but the entire process is completely painless. Once the tooth has been removed, a blood clot forms in the socket by packing the area with gauze before stitching the opening closed. It’s very important to let us know if you suffer from congenital heart defects, have had a heart valve replaced, have an impaired immune system, or suffer from liver disease or endocarditis.

Your dentist may prescribe pain pills for any after-procedure discomfort, and you can expect to recover within a few days fully. We strongly suggest a soft food diet during the recovery process.


Don't let tooth decay, missing teeth, or impacted teeth steal your smile. As a top dental practice, Edmonton Smiles can help you protect your teeth and gums and restore your beautiful, natural smile. Our cosmetic dentistry services aim to positively change you and your teeth. We have friendly and professional dentists who offer general dentistry and can handle dental emergencies due to trauma or a tooth infection.

We can thoroughly examine your teeth and overall health and determine the best dental treatment options for your needs. To achieve the beautiful results you expect, we will pay attention to your dental form and function. Call (587) 410-5907 or book an appointment online for any following restorative services.

Porcelain veneers are thin sheets of ceramic that bond directly to the front surfaces of teeth. They are an excellent choice for improving your smile and have become increasingly popular due to their simplicity and versatility.

Like you, your smile is unique, and of the first things people notice about you. We take great pride in designing a smile that complements you. We take a series of measurements to help us create a smile in proportion to your bone structure, age, and gender.

Crowns are a type of dental restoration that, when cemented into place, fully cup over the portion of a tooth which lies at and above the gum line. Crowns encase the entire visible aspect of the tooth. We can use it to improve the appearance of malformed, discolored, or malpositioned natural teeth.


Preventative care is an integral part of our practice. Maintaining good dental hygiene is one of the most important things you can do for your teeth and gums. Healthy teeth not only enable you to look and feel good, but they also make it possible to eat and speak properly.


A bright and white smile makes you look healthy and boosts your confidence. We give you custom whitening trays and professional-strength gel to use at home for around the same price as White Strips. Take-Home Whitening is an effective treatment that you can do while at home!




Missing and impacted teeth can not only lower your self-esteem but can also affect your oral health. If you have missing teeth or you're about to lose them, the dentists at Edmonton Smiles can replace lost teeth with dental implants to restore your smile and improve your oral health. Like a natural tooth, a dental implant is anchored into the jawbone. Our dental procedures are safe and will preserve and protect your gums and teeth.

We follow the pricing guide from Alberta Dental Association to ensure you get the best pricing possible and have a hassle-free billing experience. We also treat new patients and existing ones with the same old warmth, kindness, and respect. No matter what dental needs you have, Edmonton Smiles can help. Call (587) 410-5907 to learn about our dental procedures for restoring a healthy smile after teeth extractions in Edmonton, AB, or book an appointment with us.

Wisdom Teeth Removal | Cosmetic Dentist in Edmonton AB| Edmonton Smiles

Have missing, decaying, or malpositioned teeth? Edmonton Smiles can perform tooth extraction and cosmetic dentistry to restore your natural smile and avert future dental problems.


Contact the team at Dr. Molly Rodgers today to schedule an initial consultation for cosmetic dentistry services. We're eager to give your smile the attention it deserves!