Snoring and Sleep Apnea is something we are very PASSIONATE about at Edmonton Smiles! We would love to help you understand more about the Sleep Apnea process at our Edmonton dental practice. First, we get you into our office for a free consultation and we review your medical history. We can then refer you to a Sleep Clinic and when you go in they will give you a small machine – about the size of a lunch box. They show you how to hook yourself up to the machine and you take it home. At bedtime, you hook yourself up and go to sleep. The next day you take the machine back. The data the machine collects is sent to a Sleep Physician and interpreted and a diagnosis is sent back to us. I did the test myself and had myself hooked up in about 5 minutes. I slept through the night and didn’t even notice I had it on. (Okay – to be truthful, I failed it the first time because I forgot to turn it on. So far I am the only one I know of who has failed a sleep test. Now the machines turn themselves on.) Depending on the diagnosis, either a CPAP machine or an Oral Dental Appliance is recommended. If you watched our testimonial from our Wonderful patient, Sharon, you will hear that even if you just snore, the Oral Appliance will make a big difference in how you AND your significant other, sleep. And, like I was so thrilled to talk about last time, if you do have Sleep Apnea, getting treated could literally SAVE YOUR LIFE!