Oral health is not something to take lightly. Contrary to popular belief, brushing and flossing are not enough for a person to maintain optimal oral health. Even if you brush your teeth three times a day and floss at least twice, there may still be many everyday habits that can cause serious problems for your oral health.

This is why it pays to be wary of what can cause your oral health to decline. Here are some of the common mistakes that people may unknowingly commit that may be the cause of dental health problems.

Common Habits That May Cause Dental Problems

1 – Eating Too Much Sugar

Sugar is one of the most common causes of tooth deterioration. Although you do not need to avoid sugar consumption altogether, it is important to get rid of any leftover particles between your teeth after you eat sweet food or sugary beverages. The effects of leaving particles of sugar on your teeth may lead to tooth decay in the long term.

2 – Acidic Food

Acidic food may also cause damage to your teeth if you consume too much of it. Food that contains a lot of acid can cause damage to the enamel of your teeth. If the enamel is compromised, bacteria and other microbes can enter and destroy the most sensitive parts of your teeth.

3 – Brushing Too Hard

While brushing is a must, there is such a thing as brushing too hard. Your effort to keep your teeth healthy may be the reason why they get damaged. Brushing too hard may also destroy the enamel coating on your teeth.

4 – Tooth-Grinding or Clenching

Frequent tooth-grinding, which is a disorder called bruxism, can take its toll on your teeth in the long run. Teeth clenching is a bad habit that can have a similar effect. Very severe effects of tooth clenching and grinding can leave teeth ground to stumps.

5 – Tongue Piercings

Foreign objects in the mouth, like tongue piercings, can also cause the teeth and other sensitive parts of the mouth to get damaged. 

6 – Biting Non-Food Items

In some instances, people may develop the bad habit of chewing, biting, or gnawing on objects that are not food. If you bite your nails to calm yourself or use your teeth to open food packages, you should stop doing so immediately. Using your teeth this way can weaken them and cause them to be damaged or even fall off if you do not get rid of this habit.

7 – Lifestyle Habits

Lifestyle habits, such as smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol, may also damage teeth. Smoking can cause gum disease and other serious oral health concerns. Drinking can potentially cause dehydration, which can also be bad for both oral and overall health.

8 – Tooth Whitening Treatments

Tooth whitening can weaken the enamel coating on teeth. It can also cause tooth sensitivity if it goes untreated.

9 – Inconsistent Dental Appointments

It is crucial to visit your dentist at least once a year. Your dentist will be able to detect any issues that may need treatment.


Keeping your oral health at an optimal level is possible by avoiding the above-mentioned mistakes. Brushing and flossing should be enough to keep oral health issues at bay, but it is best to visit your dentist the moment you think anything is amiss with your oral health.

Edmonton Smiles is a dental clinic that offers preventive and emergency dental services, teeth whitening, and more. If you are in need of teeth cleaning services in Edmonton, we’ve got you covered! Visit our clinic and get the smile you have always been dreaming of!