Whether you are meeting someone new, getting together with old friends, going on a first date, or having any other kind of interaction with other people, you will want to have fresh breath. There are many reasons that someone may have bad breath, and it is important for good oral hygiene and your social life to work diligently at combating bad breath.

At Edmonton Smiles in Edmonton, AB, we are dedicated to helping our patients have the best possible smiles, improve their oral health, and get rid of bad breath if it happens to be a problem. Our dental team can provide you with information about the common causes of bad breath and ways to get the fresher breath you want and need.

Sometimes, getting rid of bad breath may require a dental procedure if the unpleasant odor comes from odor-causing bacteria in the teeth or bleeding gums. Other times, we may recommend a certain toothpaste, mouthwash, or at-home care activity. Contact our dental experts to discuss your oral hygiene and its impact on your overall health and well-being.

What Causes Bad Breath?

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is something that most people fear they may have, especially in certain social situations. Aside from carrying a toothbrush and toothpaste around with you every day, many people utilize gum or breath mints to help combat the symptoms of smelly breath even though those products do not get rid of bad breath or the various things which may be causing halitosis.

Some common culprits causing bad breath may include:

  • Food particles left in your mouth, especially of food debris from such items as onions or garlic
  • Smoking or chewing tobacco
  • Poor dental hygiene results in plaque buildup, tooth decay, and tooth loss
  • Dry mouth (halted saliva production) caused by such activities as sleeping or certain medical conditions
  • Medications that contribute to dry mouth
  • Oral infections or other dental issues such as cavities in the teeth or gum disease
  • Infections or chronic inflammation of the nose, ears, or throat
  • Conditions such as cancer or acid reflux

Recognizing these factors contributing to chronic bad breath can help you prevent the embarrassments caused by smelly breath.

Top 6 Ways to Prevent Bad Breath, Tooth Decay, and Gum Disease

When you contact our Edmonton dental specialists, we can help you figure out what may be the cause of your bad breath and how to remedy that issue. Below are some of our top tips for preventing bad breath and the associated bad taste left in your mouth from the lack of fresh breath:

  • Be sure you are brushing and flossing regularly and using a tongue scraper: The best way to get to any food particles left in your mouth from eating that can cause bad breath is by brushing your teeth at least twice daily, flossing once per day. We also recommend using a tongue scraper to remove unwanted bacteria in your mouth.
  • Replace your toothbrush often: Old toothbrushes tend to be ineffective and will not remove the debris as well as new toothbrushes will. Any residue left in the mouth can lead to the development of bacteria and plaque, so it is critical to have the right dental tools to clean your mouth and get fresh breath.
  • Quit smoking: Smoking is a harmful activity for your entire body, but it can have a terrible effect on your mouth, teeth, and gums. Smoking places bacteria from the cigarettes on your teeth and can lead to disease and very bad breath.
  • Keep your mouth hydrated with clean water: Saliva is an important way to clean out your mouth when brushing is not a possibility at the time. If you do not produce enough moisture or have chronic dry mouth, drinking water and avoiding certain foods that dry out your mouth will help with saliva production.
  • Avoid smelly and very sugary foods: Certain smelly foods like garlic, onions, and coffee can leave an odor in your mouth for up to 72 hours after ingestion. Overly sugary foods can leave sugary debris on your enamel which leads to decay and rot. When possible, brush after meals or rinse the excess food and bacteria from your mouth.
  • Visit an Edmonton dentist for regular tooth, gum, and tongue cleaning: Most dentists will recommend having a dental cleaning and x-rays twice per year for an extensive cleaning (something that a toothbrush cannot do) as well as screening for certain dental conditions that, if left untreated, can contribute to even worse bad breath.

If you incorporate these bad breath preventative measures, you will be well on your way to preventing bad breath from ruining any enjoyable time you may have out and about with people you care for and want to impress.

Contact Our Edmonton Dental Clinic to Prevent Dental Problems

If you are a resident of South Edmonton, AB, and are looking for an experienced dental team to help you keep your smile and breath as clean and fresh as possible, contact Edmonton Smiles. We welcome all of our returning clients and new patients as well. Our team understands the importance of getting rid of bacteria from all areas of your mouth to avoid dental disease and become causes of bad breath.

At Edmonton Smiles, our dental team is dedicated to comfort-focused, patient-centric, and affordable care for the patients in Edmonton, AB. We offer restorative, preventative, and cosmetic dentistry options, and we can guarantee that you will have a professional, friendly, and comfortable dental experience.

Contact us to discuss ways to prevent bad breath, care for your oral health, and any other dental issue you may have. Impacted teeth causing you pain? We can help. Want to get rid of bad breath? We will look at your dental routine and help to improve it. Need a new tongue cleaner? We will give you a recommendation. Call us to schedule an appointment!