The root canal commonly refers to a procedure designed to eliminate bacteria from the root canal of the tooth. It is meant to prevent reinfection of the tooth and save it from needing to be pulled out. This is done by drilling into the infected tooth and removing the inflamed and infected pulp. The gaps are then disinfected, refilled, and sealed. 

While it is a crucial treatment method for many, the root canal is one of the most dreaded dental procedures out there, with a reputation for being particularly painful. The problem with it is that the symptoms of a root canal infection are too subtle for people to properly determine whether they need to visit the dentist or not.

To help you with that, we have created this list of the six most common symptoms that mean it might be time for root canal therapy. With no further ado, here they are:

1. Pain

Regular and consistent pain is a good sign that there might be a problem with the tooth roots. If drinking and eating cause severe discomfort, then it is time to visit the dentist. Only then can the need for root canal therapy be determined with certainty.

2. A cracked or chipped tooth

Teeth will be damaged over time. When that happens, the risk of infection is increased. The crack or chip may cause bacteria to build up; at the same time, it may grant access to the sensitive pulp. The nerves might end up exposed as well. It is important that any cracked or chipped teeth be fixed by a dentist immediately to prevent an infection from occurring or spreading.

3. Sensitivity

Do your teeth hurt when you eat or drink anything hot or cold? This might be more than just sensitive teeth; it might be the first signs of an infection. If this is not something you’ve experienced in the past, it might be time for a visit to the dentist. 

4. Discoloration

Discoloration happens over time and is dependent on a lot of factors. Diet, age, and whether you smoke or not are just a few. An infection of the nerves and blood vessels in the tooth pulp can also lead to this. A dentist might recommend endodontic therapy to remove these decayed tissues. 

5. Swollen gums

Swelling is one of the surest signs of infection in the roots. Though it might be another issue, it could also indicate an infection of the roots.

6. Severe tooth decay

Once tooth decay has reached the core of a tooth, only a root canal can save it. If a cavity is left unfilled, decay will reach the inner depths of it. Otherwise, the tooth will have to be removed. In many cases, a dental crown will be applied to return the tooth to a normal appearance and function. 

Final thoughts

Having apprehensions about the root canal treatment is justifiable. After all, it will involve some careful drilling into your tooth. What many patients soon realise, however, is that the procedure is never as painful as they think it will be. The best part is after the procedure when their aches and pains are gone and all their worries assuaged.

If you think you’re in need of a dentist in Edmonton for whatever reason, text us at Edmonton Smiles. We have a wide range of services available to you, and our aim is always to satisfy our patients’ needs.