There is a reason dental professionals require a license to practice in the industry. The mouth is actually more sensitive than people believe it to be. With the risks of falling ill because of infections and tooth decay, it isn’t a good idea to be tackling these problems by yourself.

The new trend today is to use natural methods to cure tooth decay and other oral health issues. In Canada, some people believe that there are ways to treat their dental status issues without seeing a dentist, and these people gather on social media groups to share ideas. There are many dangers involved with home remedies, and this is why Edmonton’s emergency dentists are warning against these. Here are some risks of undergoing natural cures to tooth decay at home instead of visiting the right dentistry services:


Sepsis is when infectious agents are found in the mouth, which causes a systematic inflammatory response by the body. When the body fights to battle infections, body temperatures can spike and cause fevers over 40 degrees Celsius with an elevated heart rate. Since the mouth is very close to the brain, any gum or teeth infection can be fatal. When the brain is subjected to the disease’s effects, this typically leads to multiple organ failures in a person’s body. 

Lemierre’s Syndrome 

When the jugular vein develops a venous thrombosis that develops inflammation because of bacterial growth, this can be fatal due to this vein bringing blood and oxygen to the brain. Infections that develop due to tooth decay have a chance of developing Lemierre’s Syndrome if not treated promptly. It also has a mortality rate of over 80 percent, making it deadly if left to fester. 

Respiratory Obstruction

The airways can also be affected by leaving oral infections to worsen. These can cause swelling in the mouth and its other areas, with the formation of abscess narrowing down the airways, leading to eventual closure. When this happens, oxygen won’t be taken in by the body, leading to death.

Cervical Necrotizing Fasciitis 

As infections affect the soft tissues along the cervical planes, these can cause them to worsen and lead to fatalities progressively. This disease has a mortality rate of around 40 percent, with bacterial enzymes and other components destroying tissues in the mouth and oral zones. The spread of the toxins can cause rapid dissemination of the infection around the body and the brain, which leads to death in most cases. 

Orbital Abscess

Abscesses can develop in the orbital zone through the local tissue planes by infected blood or through the nasal zone’s sinuses. Orbital septums can have pre and post-septal disease forms, and the latter is where health complications occur. Those affected by this infection will notice swelling in specific areas of the head, red skin, hyperthermia, and issues with the eyes. Orbital abscesses spread fast and can often cause complications with the brain due to infections reaching this and damaging its overall vital signs. 

Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis

Septic cavernous sinus thrombosis is one of the rarer conditions that people can develop. Simultaneously, it can have plenty of origins, and seven percent of those who have it get it through dental sources. Fewer than 40 percent of patients can recover fully, and most who do have neurological deficits. Fatalities occur within a week if a diagnosis is not promptly made, which can deteriorate the brain due to infections. 


Pushing for natural remedies to tooth decay isn’t a good way to approach the issue, as many infections can be fatal to a person’s lifestyle if not immediately treated. Dentistry in Edmonton is readily available for all citizens, so it makes sense to take a trip to your local family dentist to have your teeth examined for any anomalies. 

Edmonton Smiles are the best of Edmonton’s emergency dentists who offer various services that range from teeth cleaning to cosmetic forms. Don’t leave your teeth to deteriorate and develop complications by booking an appointment today!