Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential to enjoying strong, healthy teeth and gums. Beyond brushing your teeth twice a day, you’ll also have to see your Edmonton dentist for a good dental cleaning regularly. However, keeping your mouth in top condition also means paying close attention to a few other habits, such as how you brush your teeth and the food you eat. Research has linked diets to a person’s oral health, making it essential to watch what you consume.

Without proper oral hygiene, you’re susceptible to tooth decay or gum issues that are often painful. It can also affect your self-confidence since these problems affect your teeth’s appearance, often discolouring them. Some of these can even lead to speech problems and malnutrition, affecting your work, school, or personal life. 

Luckily, besides dental care and teeth cleaning in Edmonton, there are a few ways to prevent these problems. Here are five tips for keeping your teeth and gums healthy:

Brush Frequently But Not Aggressively

Everyone knows it’s essential to brush your teeth twice a day, but many people aren’t aware that you’ll need to use the correct technique for this to be effective. Use small circular motions when brushing your teeth, and ensure to brush the front, back, and top of each tooth. Avoid sawing back-and-forth motions, as this does not effectively clean your teeth.

If you brush too hard or use a hard-bristled toothbrush, you’ll risk damaging tooth enamel and gums. It can also lead to tooth sensitivity and permanent damage to your teeth, along with gum erosion. Instead, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and make sure to change it every three months. 

Use Fluoride Toothpaste

Fluoride comes from fluorine, a naturally occurring substance in the earth’s soil. Experts believe that fluoride aids in dental health since it prevents cavities, so it’s a standard component of toothpaste and mouthwashes. However, some people don’t use fluoride or dental products that contain the substance, which can result in tooth decay regardless of how disciplined you are with your oral health. 

Some communities have begun to incorporate fluoride in their water by contacting their local government to add it to their water supply. However, if you’d like to stick to fluoride in just your toothpaste, be sure to check the ingredients of your dental products to guarantee better health for your teeth and gums.

Floss Your Teeth at Least Once a Day

Flossing is just as important as brushing, as it removes the plaque and bacteria between your teeth, which your toothbrush can’t reach. By removing leftovers and food debris that are trapped in your teeth, you’ll also prevent bad breath. 

Floss down to your gum line before pulling it against the side of each tooth in up-and-down motions. Try not to snap the floss up and down, as you’ll hurt your gums.

See Your Edmonton Dentist Regularly

Frequent visits to your dentist are crucial in maintaining your oral health, so be sure to schedule a visit every six months. Your dentist will clean your teeth, remove plaque and hardened tartar, and inspect for signs of cavities and other potential gum issues. Doing so will catch any problems in the early stages, allowing you to stop them in their tracks.

Children must see their dentist frequently, but if you are an adult who takes good care of your oral health with a low risk of mouth problems, you can afford to see your dentist less frequently.

Avoid Sugary Foods and Drinks

Lastly, avoid consuming sugary foods and drinks, as this can lead to cavities. When sugar lingers in your mouth and breaks down into simple sugars, bacteria feed on the resulting acids, which results in tooth decay. The World Health Organization recommends limiting your sugar intake to below 10 percent of your daily calories, although 5 percent would be more effective in reducing the risk of dental problems.

Instead, opt for water or unsweetened drinks throughout the day. If you can’t stay away from sugar, taking it in small volumes or doses should be enough to satisfy your sweet tooth without giving it a cavity.


Keeping your teeth and gums strong and healthy is crucial, as it affects the way we talk, eat, and generally enjoying life. Brushing and flossing daily, seeing your dentist regularly, and eating a healthy diet are essential components of good oral hygiene. It will also positively impact your physical health, so with these five tips in mind, you’re on track to enjoying improved overall wellness.

Edmonton Smiles has the best cosmetic dentists in Edmonton while offering emergency dental, teeth cleaning and whitening, and preventive services to all its patients. Our dentists provide comfort-focused care, ensuring that you have access to benefits that keep your smile looking great. Contact us today for a free consultation!