Misaligned, discoloured, or chipped teeth can cause insecurities that may lead you to lose your self-confidence. Fortunately, you can easily give your smile a makeover by seeking cosmetic dentistry services.

Many patients avoid visiting their dentist because of misconceptions, trust issues, or traumatic experiences. If dental anxiety prevents you from seeking the treatment you need, you can deal with your worries more effectively by learning more about your cosmetic dentist and treatment. Here are some questions you may have for your dentist before the procedure:

  • Will the procedure hurt?

 A common concern among patients who have dental anxiety is pain. Some simpler and less invasive treatments don’t cause any discomfort. While other dental treatments, such as dental extractions and root canals, require precautionary measures to manage pain. Your dentist may give you an anesthetic to eliminate or control pain, start the procedure accordingly, and make your dental experience as painless and hassle-free as possible.

  • How long have you been a cosmetic dentist?

Some patients are worried about unsatisfactory results from their dental treatments due to trust issues. If you are facing this same problem, consider asking your dentist how long have they been performing cosmetic dental procedures. Doing this lets you have peace of mind knowing you are in capable hands, especially when they have years of professional experience.

If you head to our dental office and consult our cosmetic dentists at Edmonton Smiles, you can achieve desirable results. We take pride in our team’s ability to satisfy our patients’ needs.

Our team is also led by Dr. Molly Rodgers, who is skilled and experienced in dental cosmetics and complex dental reconstruction. It includes addressing head, neck and facial pain. She is also recognized by the Canadian Dental Association, Alberta Dental Association, and The Edmonton District Dental Society. Best of all, she studied over the years to provide the best cosmetic dental treatment available.

  • Are there any side effects?

Some dental treatments, such as crowns and extensions, can have side effects. During your appointment with your cosmetic dentist, ask possible side effects from the procedure and know how common they are. In case you experience any negative side effects after your treatment, consult your dentist right away.

  • Will the fees be covered by my dental insurance?

Some dental insurance plans offer different coverage amounts depending on the treatment. For instance, fees for dental treatments performed for health purposes, like crowning or dental bonding, will be covered. 

On the other hand, expenses for other cosmetic treatments, like a teeth whitening procedure and dental implant, usually won’t be covered. It typically depends on your insurance provider.

  • How much does the treatment cost?

The cost of the procedure depends on the particular cosmetic dentistry you get. Some treatments are more expensive than others based on the materials used throughout your treatment and the severity of your dental concern.


Dealing with dental anxiety is understandably difficult, but avoiding your dental appointments prevents you from taking better care of your oral health and can cause you to need more complex treatments in the long run. Ease your worries by staying well-informed. Do your research about the cosmetic treatment you need and consider asking your dentist the questions listed above.

Heading to Edmonton Smiles means being under the care of the best cosmetic dentist in Edmonton. We can transform your smile and help you gain your confidence in no time. Schedule an appointment today!