Brushing your teeth must be established as a regular habit to keep your mouth clean and healthy. However, your usual habit may not be enough to save you from bacteria. You should make sure that you brush your teeth thoroughly enough to prevent the growth of plaque inside your mouth. It’s essential to know how the movements and the pressure you apply with your brush impacts your overall dental health. 

We listed below the five important things you need to remember when brushing your teeth.

1. Pay attention to your molars.

Your molars are the largest part of your teeth that can be found at the back of your mouth. Keep in mind that your molars are your main tools for chewing food. You always use your molars for biting and grinding, which make it more susceptible to food particles to get stuck between them. When brushing your teeth, remember to cover all six sides of your teeth wherein the first is what’s buried in your gums, the next two for flossing, and the last three for brushing.

2. The top is the chewing surface.

Consider the top part of your mouth as the ceiling that receives the food that enters your mouth. The top part, therefore, becomes the chewing surface wherein food particles land. As you brush your teeth, make it a priority to brush the top thoroughly. This part is not the most sensitive part of your mouth, which is why you can use some pressure to remove any remaining plaque within the grooves of your molars effectively.

3. Don’t overlook the back part of your teeth.

Brushing your teeth is not merely for vanity. It is an important way to maintain your oral health by keeping it clean. When you brush your teeth, don’t forget to clean the back part of your teeth, which is equally important as the front. Check for any roughness you feel at the back of your teeth to find out if plaque has started forming. Although the front part is the easiest part to see, it’s essential not to neglect the back as well.

4. Always floss the in-betweens.

Don’t skip flossing. It is the best way to take care of the sides of your teeth and the parts in between. Among the other parts, it is the most difficult to clean since your teeth sit tightly next to each other. It’s, therefore, harder to scrape away the plaque that hides in between your teeth. When flossing, make sure that you cover all sides of your teeth to prevent the risk of gum problems.

5. Never skip your mouthwash.

To culminate your oral cleansing, you should always use a mouthwash, which will eliminate any bacteria inside your mouth thoroughly. By swishing with mouthwash, you can effectively dislodge the stubborn food particles that are stuck between your teeth. You also have the added benefit of getting a minty-fresh breath.


With the help of this five-point guide, you can review how you’ve been brushing your teeth. You may realize that you’ve had the wrong habits all this time. If you’re concerned about whether you are doing the correct way of brushing your teeth, consult with your dentist to enlighten you about how your teeth work.

If you’re looking for a dentist in Edmonton for an oral health check-up, get in touch with us today to see how we can help.