One of the most anxiety-inducing tasks for children and adults is visiting the dentist. Many even avoid these visits entirely, out of misplaced fears related to supposedly painful procedures. Not only is this the wrong attitude towards your oral and dental health, but many of the assumptions you might have are also based on falsehoods. 

For that reason, we want to debunk as many dental myths as possible to help you make better decisions about your teeth. 

Myth 1. Sugar leads to cavities

Sugar can indeed lead to cavities but assuming it is the only thing that can cause a cavity is a grave mistake. Other problems like lack of dental care will always lead to tooth decay. Annual deep cleaning is required to tackle deeper parts of your teeth to avoid problems. Avoiding sugary food is not going to prevent cavities. Depending on the current state of your dental health, your dentist might recommend other treatments. 

Myth 2. You don’t need to floss

Some people may tell you that you do not need to floss to maintain the best oral health. However, this is a must-do because food particles and plaque are not only found on the surface of your teeth; they can settle between teeth. They can be lodged deep between your teeth where a toothbrush cannot reach, where the buildup of plaque might be worse over time.  

Myth 3. Dental braces are only for children

Many children get braces because their parents want to ensure their kids enjoy a perfect smile when they grow up. However, braces are not only for children. Anyone can get braces regardless of their age and enjoy a perfect smile!

Myth 4. Mouthwashes address gum issues

Plenty of mouthwash products claim to help control and even eliminate gum issues. However, mouthwash alone will not get rid of problems like plaque buildup. For that reason, relying on mouthwash alone to address gum issues is not a good idea. Plus, other issues can lead to gum issues that mouthwash cannot handle, so a well-rounded dental cleaning routine is necessary.

Myth 5. The whiter your teeth, the healthier it is

This is a misconception possibly caused by the media, where white teeth are featured with oral-care products. Sure, white teeth can mean that your teeth are healthy. However, off-white teeth are still fit as this might just be the natural colour! Whitening your teeth too much can damage your teeth, leading to more oral issues.


We hope that with these myths out of the way, we hope you are now better informed to make the right decisions regarding dental care. All in all, a good oral care routine paired with annual visits to the dentist is an excellent way to maintain a perfectly healthy mouth. 

If you want to know more, do not be afraid to ask your dentist what you should and should not care for your teeth. They will give you insight into your current oral health’s condition, and give you tips and advice for achieving the perfect smile.

Edmonton Smiles offers teeth whitening, preventive services, and more to help patients achieve perfect oral health. Book an appointment with us today and get your teeth cleaning services in Edmonton.