Nothing is more visually appealing than having a perfect set of pearly whites. However, it isn’t just your teeth’ visual appeal that matters. It’s how having a complete set of healthy, strong teeth will help boost your oral function and foster your overall oral health. Unfortunately, some individuals have practiced various bad habits for years that put their teeth in a bad light. 

If you’re one of those with bad oral habits, you must break these as soon as possible before you damage them even more. With that being said, here are five bad oral habits you must quit today to have healthy teeth:


You know how smoking is bad for your health, and this applies to your oral health as well. Even if you brush and floss your teeth every day, they won’t matter if you smoke on a daily basis. Smoking can cause gum diseases due to the bacteria on your teeth. When the germs stay on your teeth for long periods, you can develop layers of plaque and tartar that will make it hard to remedy the teeth.


Another problem is when you have the habit of biting your nails. This is particularly true for children and even older people who get nervous. Keep in mind that this bad habit can cause your jaw to become dysfunctional over time. It may take time to break this habit, but you must practice getting your fingers busy so that you can protect the integrity of your teeth!

Using teeth as tools

Some people love to use their teeth as tools for various functions. Keep in mind that your teeth are primarily used for chewing or biting food, and they aren’t meant to open a bottle or bite a sachet. Know that doing so increases the risks of injuring your jaws or cracking your teeth. If you want to protect your teeth, simply stop using them as tools!

Frequent snacking

There is nothing bad about snacking, apart from eating your usual meals. However, frequent snacking can be a bit problematic, not only for your weight but also for your oral health. This is particularly true if you aren’t eating the right kinds of food and you don’t allow your mouth to be free of food particles. That said, be sure to avoid foods and drinks that are starchy and sugary. If ever possible, you should cut down on your snacks and go for well-balanced meals instead!

Brushing hard

Ironically, did you know that brushing itself can also compromise your teeth? This is especially true if you’re quite harsh on your teeth when brushing. Sure, brushing them at least twice a day or after every meal will keep your teeth clean, healthy, and strong. However, be sure to do so gently in a circular motion.

Here at Dr. Molly Rodgers Dental & Associates, we are dedicated and committed to providing you and your family with the best possible dental care for a lifetime. If you want to keep your teeth healthy and foster your overall oral health, we’ve got you covered! 


At this point, we’ve discussed five bad oral habits you must quit today to have healthy teeth—smoking, nail-biting, using teeth as tools, frequent snacking, and brushing hard. If you are starting to see some oral issues with your teeth, be sure to visit your dentist as soon as possible so that you’ll be able to keep your teeth always healthy and strong! 

We provide emergency dental, general, pediatric, and cosmetic dentistry with patient-focused dental care. If you need an affordable dentist in Edmonton to keep your teeth healthy and strong, connect with us today to book an appointment!