Looking for the first dentist of your children is a very important choice in their life. As soon as your baby starts growing their first milk teeth, a check-up is highly advised to go for. While most would think that any family dentist could do the job properly, this simple choice will affect your child’s image of dental services for the next few years.

Regular dental check-ups are highly important for the proper development and growth of a child’s teeth. Whether it’s to teach proper toothbrushing techniques or scanning for the growth of plaque and cavities, the help of your pediatric dentist will determine the health of your child’s teeth.

Choosing a pediatric dentist is crucial, but not difficult. Keeping in mind these three major factors can help you choose the perfect first dentist for your child.

Tip # 1 – Specializes in Pediatric Dentistry

As stated earlier, not all dentists are the same. While all licensed dentists are capable of handling you and your family’s teeth, their specialization would give them the experience and tools necessary for their craft. 

Pediatric dentistry, in particular, can be a challenge because dentists deal with children—many of which are scared of the person behind the mask. Some kids are frightened by a dentist’s mask and his “scary” tools, so having the appropriate first impression will really help ease some of that anxiety. 

A dentist who specializes in pediatrics won’t only know how to deal with unruly children, but their office will also be child-friendly enough to ease them into the dentist’s chair. Their waiting rooms are often more bright and easy on the eyes, often having toys and games laying around for the child to feel more calm.

Tip # 2 – Has Emergency Availability

A child’s pain threshold is usually a bit lower than yours, so minor toothaches and gum pains are much more unbearable for them. Their tendency to be rowdy and adventurous can also find themselves in situations where they hit their teeth on surfaces or bite something too hard. 

Bleeding gums, loosening teeth, and total displacement can be an emergency that parents have to face. This is why having a dentist with the capability to handle these dental emergencies and the equipment necessary to pull them off is a good quality to look for.

Tip # 3 – Approachable Even After Childhood

Taking on a dentist isn’t simply a one-time visit—it’s a relationship that builds on trust in your doctor. As a child, finding a dentist with whom you’d feel safe is important, while as an adult, a dentist with experience and credentials is necessary. Finding one that can do both is a gem and should be kept around for as long as possible.

A dentist who specializes in pediatrics may not JUST cater to children, but could also offer a wide array of services for teens and possibly adults too. By looking for one that you can cater to a child’s needs as they grow older, you invest not only in dental care but in building a foundation of trust as well.


Choosing your child’s first dentist is a crucial and challenging task as a parent, but following through on these simple tips can help you pick the right one. By picking the right dentist, you won’t only take care of your child’s teeth, but you will also be helping them find a healthier appreciation of oral care.

Are you looking for an affordable pediatric dentist in South Edmonton? At Edmonton Smiles, we offer emergency dental, teeth whitening, and preventive services for you and your entire family. Get in touch with us today and receive affordable dental services that follow the Alberta Dental Association’s fee guide