As today’s generations become more conscious about having perfect smiles thanks to social media, the desire for whiter teeth is now a general topic with most conversations.

If you’ve kept a keen eye on the way your chompers look and how healthy they are, having whiter teeth is an idea that constantly runs in your mind. After all, if having pearly whites like the movie stars and celebrities you see on TV and social media isn’t the pinnacle of great dental health, then what is? 

Thanks to the wide range of available treatment methods to choose from and more affordability that one can enjoy today, it’s easy to see why the idea of having a whiter smile is more available now. However, like any other prevalent topic, the main problem with the whole aspect of teeth whitening is that there are many misconceptions that surround it.

Common myths that you need to stop falling for

Today, teeth whitening is no stranger to its fair share of misconceptions and flawed “truths” that come from unjustified speculations or misinformed onlookers. If you’ve been feeling quite motivated to get the shiny, white chompers that you’ve always dreamt of but feel strangely hindered from taking the next few steps, then it’s safe to say that you might have fallen for some myths. 

Thankfully, we’ve got you covered with this guide to all the misconceptions of tooth whitening that you shouldn’t fall for: 

Myth #1: Going for teeth whitening treatments will hurt your enamel

Absolutely not — there’s no chance that this myth will ever be true unless you try to whiten your teeth yourself or get some hack to do it for you.

Thanks to years of research, formula development, and continuous testing and improvement, modern teeth whitening treatments have become far more efficient at ensuring that they incur the least side effects possible. Once you let an expert—such as the professionals at Edmonton Smiles—take care of your whitening-related needs, then you won’t have to worry about damaged enamel ever again!

Myth #2: When you whiten your teeth, you’ll end up with hypersensitive chompers

Nearly as old as the craft of professional teeth whitening itself, the common misconception that having whitened teeth will lead to spikes in hypersensitivity is much more common than expected. Although there might be a bit of tingling at first from the compounds settling in, the “increased” sensitivity that many first-timers fear will go away in a few hours!

Myth #3: Whitening your teeth once won’t require any more follow-ups

Now, as much as we’d all like to hope that the key to permanently-whitened teeth lies in only one session, the truth is that one hour in the dentist’s chair isn’t enough for a whitened finish that lasts an eternity. Thankfully, follow-up sessions to keep teeth whitened with our experts’ help are no less than two months apart because our special formulations are guaranteed to attain lasting results!


Among all other dental treatments, teeth whitening is often seen as the most mystified of the bunch because of how unfamiliar it is to many people. Thankfully, keeping this guide in mind will help you stay well aware of the different myths and misconceptions that will unnecessarily hinder you from getting what’s best for your chompers!

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