In an increasingly health-conscious world today, people know the importance of taking a proactive approach to care for one’s health. A balanced diet and regular exercise are age-old pillars that set a positive foundation for your well-being, so it makes sense to apply the concept to your mouth too.

Beyond taking a trip to the dentist to address a problem, it’s essential to have a committed routine when caring for your teeth. Complications not only pave the way for tooth rot, but it can extend beyond cosmetic damages and even impair daily functions. With that in mind, the list below should give a rundown on the easiest yet effective habits that can keep your smile healthy: 

Tip #1: Brush Your Teeth Twice Daily Using Proper Techniques

Children already know the importance of brushing their teeth twice a day, but the age-old advice remains relevant for good reasons. It seems like a mindless routine for most, but brushing your teeth can do wonders for removing the leftover food particles stuck in your pearls.

Adults tend to be more forgiving by skipping out on this habit at the end of an exhausting day, but it’s crucial to stick to your routine because bacteria can easily build up and result in gum disease or tooth decay. 

Of course, you also need to practice good brushing techniques recommended by the American Dental Association (ADA), wherein you need to brush in circular motions at a 45-degree angle to reach all possible nooks and crannies. 

Tip #2: Don’t Forget to Add Flossing to Your Routine 

Brushing is not enough to remove the small debris deeply lodged in between your teeth, so you can make up for it by flossing before or after brushing. Leaving any food particles can make your mouth a breeding ground for diseases, so it’s best to cover any gaps in your routine by flossing, as suggested by the ADA. 

Tip #3: Drink Water and Eat Fruits or Vegetables 

Many know the health-boosting benefits of drinking eight glasses of water a day, but it can also have a significant impact on your oral health. For one, it washes away the sugar that combines with your saliva when indulging in carbonated beverages. 

Water also contains fluoride, which naturally fights off cavity and keeps your teeth strong by boosting its enamel coating. Eating fresh fruits or vegetables, on the other hand, can also act as organic “floss” as the fibers can cleanse your pearls. 

The Bottom Line: Exploring Dental Hygiene Tips for a Beautifully Healthy Smile 

Practicing good dental hygiene is paramount as it maintains your oral health, but keep in mind that it doesn’t exempt you from taking regular checkups with your dentist. These visits shouldn’t be limited to emergency cases only as it helps identify any underlying issues in its early stages, allowing you to prevent diseases from doing extensive damage to your teeth. 

How Can We Help Care For Your Oral Health?

Are you looking for ways to enhance your dental hygiene and oral health? The tips above should help iron out poor habits, but we can improve your smile further with our multi-faceted dental services. 

Our established dentists in South Edmonton can cater to your unique needs – be it teeth cleaning services, cosmetic dentistry, and more. Get in touch with us and see what we can do to bring back the confidence behind your smile!