Your baby’s teeth development may be the least priority during the growing years as you may be more focused on their physical body and mental and emotional progress. Moreover, most parents only have basic knowledge of baby teeth, such as that they are temporary and will fall out automatically to make way for their permanent teeth. However, there is more to a child’s tooth development than you might expect. 

Your baby’s teeth are part of their dental health, and when it comes to your baby’s health, their oral health is vital as well. If you are wondering why this is so, here are three reasons you should start paying attention to your child’s teeth development:

  • Cavities Can Cause Lots of Damages

Did you know that tooth decay can develop in a baby’s teeth as early as six months? If you don’t pay enough attention early on, and it remains untreated, this can lead to decays that may result in more severe dental issues. As a result, when a child loses a tooth to a cavity, potential issues may include loss of space for permanent teeth, speech impediments, and bite malformation. 

  • Baby Teeth Contributes to Speech 

A significant contributor to speech mispronunciation is poor teeth alignment. If the teeth are not correctly aligned from a young age, their speech may suffer because it will not be able to move properly through the mouth. You can correct teeth alignment as early as 12 months old or when your child is ready to see the dentist. 

  • Excellent and Lasting Oral Health Habits Starts Young

If you want to ensure excellent dental health for your child, it is vital that you start training them from a young age. Even if their baby teeth are still growing, you can already practice good dental hygiene, such as brushing their teeth or flossing. At the same time, remember to be there to guide your child on how they should perform these dental tasks properly. You can also take this opportunity to teach the importance of oral health.

Another point is that it is a great time to introduce your child to a dentist when they’re still young. Indeed, most children are afraid of the dentists because opening their mouths while sitting on a chair isn’t always a pleasant thought. In fact, adults have this fear as well. Yet, starting as early as you can help make your child feel more comfortable at seeing the dentist so that they will become less resistant at the thought. 


At this point, you now realize that your child’s baby teeth are essential to their overall health. If you don’t pay enough attention to it, it may lead to cavities that may lead to even more severe problems, especially when left untreated for a long time. Problems with your child’s teeth may also contribute to their speech ability. 

By paying attention to their teeth progress, you can help them develop proper oral health habits that they will continue as they grow. With proper dental hygiene, your child will feel more confident and will have better overall oral health as well. As early as now, start taking good care of their baby teeth! 

Do you want to have your child’s teeth checked by a reputable pediatric dentist in Edmonton? At Edmonton Smiles, we will provide your children with excellent dental services while ensuring an environment that is calm and pleasant. Get in touch with us today to see how we can help!