Bad breath or halitosis is quite common in children. This isn’t really surprising due to the fact children may not have established good oral hygiene habits yet. And while the infrequent tooth brushing may be one of the reasons for your child’s bad breath, there are also other factors that could be contributing to this. 

In order to fully get rid of the foul odour, you’ll need to be informed of the different reasons for bad breath. In this article, we will share three causes for bad breath in children that you may not know about!

Poor Oral Hygiene

Unlike adults, children aren’t as disciplined and don’t have fully formed tooth-brushing habits. Their poor oral hygiene is a significant factor when it comes to their bad breath. However, it’s also important to understand that tooth brushing alone isn’t enough to have good oral hygiene because flossing also plays a key role to prevent bad breath. Flossing helps to dislodge plaque in between teeth, which is what causes bacteria growth and is one of the reasons that your child has bad breath.

To address this issue, be sure to constantly remind your child to brush their teeth and floss. Indeed, instilling good oral hygiene habits is a great way to fix bad breath. You’ll also want to take them to a good pediatric dentist in Edmonton to have their teeth cleaned regularly. This is why you should take them here to Edmonton Smiles for dental cleaning services at least once every six months!


If your child has good oral hygiene habits but still has bad breath, it may indicate other issues, such as diseases or infections. If your child has bad breath and you can’t seem to figure out why it may be caused by one of these two common infections.

Sinus infections cause fluid to build up in the nasal passage and throat. The bacteria in the nasal fluid may be what’s causing your child’s bad breath. This is something that can’t be fixed by tooth brushing, as the smell doesn’t originate from the mouth. If this is the case, it would be best to take your child to the doctor for further treatment. 

Swollen tonsils may also be causing your child’s bad breath. Although bacteria might also be causing the foul smell from your child’s mouth, the difference here is that the bacteria are located in the swollen tonsils’ pits. To check for this, use a flashlight and take a peek in your child’s mouth. If their tonsils look red and inflamed, there’s a good chance that their tonsils are swollen and infected.

Dry Mouth

Did you know that your child’s bad breath may have nothing to do with infections and bacteria at all? Another thing that can cause bad breath is mouth dryness. What many people don’t know is that saliva actually flushes odour-causing bacteria out of your mouth. If your child’s mouth is dry, then there is no saliva to wash away the bacteria.

To address mouth dryness, you’ll want to figure out what’s causing it in the first place. Pacifier use or thumb sucking can cause mouth dryness. If this is the case, helping your child regulate their pacifier use and thumb sucking habit could very well fix the entire issue altogether. On top of that, making sure they’re drinking enough water will also help when it comes to getting rid of their bad breath!


While bad breath is annoying and troublesome, just be sure to help your child through this, and their bad breath should be gone in no time. If they need to go to the dentist, it’s in your best interest to take them as soon as possible to prevent any issues from getting worse.

If you’re looking for a place that offers dental cleaning in Edmonton, Edmonton Smiles has got you covered. Your children will be in good hands, as we specialize in general dentistry and dentistry for kids. Get in touch with us today to book your appointment!