Keeping your body healthy involves taking care of every body part, including your mouth. Oral health is a contributor to a person’s overall well-being. According to various studies, practicing good oral hygiene strengthens your immune system, enabling it to respond to infections and bacteria more effectively. Your immunity will be stronger than that of a person who neglects their oral health.

Bad oral hygiene could cause problems for your teeth and gums. Bacteria could creep into your tooth and cause an infection that would call for medical attention. Bacterial infections are the most common and persistent threats to oral health.

Over the years, dentists and endodontists have come up with effective ways of treating and preventing bacterial infections. Among the several treatment procedures is root canal therapy that has proven efficient and effective.

Here are a few things you need to know about root canal therapy.

1. What Is Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal treatment, or endodontic treatment, is a procedure used to repair a tooth that has undergone decay. Tooth decay occurs due to damage to the outside of the teeth caused by tiny holes known as cavities. The disease is common in both children and adults and it arises from practicing bad oral hygiene and eating sugary food regularly.

The root canal is the hollow part of a tooth containing blood vessels, nerves, and cells. It is also known as the pulp, and it provides nourishment to the other parts of the tooth. Tooth decay causes inflammation and irritation of the root canal, making it very sensitive and uncomfortable.

The root canal procedure involves the removal of the infected nerve and pulp and cleaning up the inner part of the tooth. It is called endodontic therapy, but people prefer referring to it as a root canal.

The American Association of Endodontists indicates that over 15 million root canals are performed annually in the United States. The body also determined that over 40,000 root canals occur daily.

2. How To Know If You Need a Root Canal

The signs and symptoms of infection could vary from person to person, depending on the type of bacteria involved. Visit a dental clinic if you experience any root canal symptoms to get the proper diagnosis and treatment.

The symptoms include:

  1. Severe tooth pain.
  2. Tooth sensitivity to hot or cold items.
  3. Swollen gums.
  4. Broken or cracked tooth.
  5. Tooth discoloration.
  6. A loose tooth.

You should seek medical attention from a root canal dentist as soon as possible before the infection worsens. Bacterial infections can cause severe pain and damage the tooth, gum, and jawbone if left untreated.

3. How Painful Is the Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal treatment is done by a well-trained dentist who will strive to make it as painless as possible. Tooth pain is a result of the infection rather than the root canal treatment procedure. Endodontic therapy is generally painless and aims to alleviate the pain from infection.

The dentist will use a local anesthetic to numb the tooth before starting the root canal treatment procedure. You will experience some pain and tenderness in your tooth once it ends. Feel free to use over-the-counter pain medication to relieve tooth pain.

4. The Root Canal Treatment Procedure

Root canal therapy can take place in a span of one to three appointments, depending on several factors. The dentist begins by draining all the saliva using a rubber dam and drilling a small hole into your tooth’s enamel to expose the infected pulp chamber. The entire pulp and nerve tissue are removed then the root canal is cleaned well and reshaped.

Your tooth may be sealed immediately or during your next appointment, depending on the rate of infection. In cases where there is an infection on the root canal, the dentist will put some medication inside and cover it with a temporary filling. It will clear up the whole infection allowing the tooth to be sealed on the next appointment.

The dentist fills the interior part of the tooth and covers the hole using a paste. Lastly, a dental crown is added to your affected tooth to protect and restore it to its normal functions.

5. Complications That Could Occur After Treatment

Reinfection might occur in the root canal due to the following reasons;

  1. There was a crack in the tooth that went undetected.
  2. The inner sealing material broke down and allowed bacteria into the tooth.
  3. The number of root canals was more than expected, and one or more were left out.
  4. The restoration or dental crown allowed bacteria to pass through it.

Visit a dental office in case of reinfection.

6. The Cost of Root Canal Therapy

Root canal treatment costs are determined by several factors, including the type of tooth treated. The price range for the front teeth is from $300 to $1,500, while premolars and molars cost between $400 and $2000.

There are additional expenses for the dental crown or filling, depending on the size of the hole cleaned out. A filling costs between $50 and $300, while a dental crown ranges from $300 to $3000.

7. Alternatives To Root Canal Therapy

Tooth extraction is the only viable option when dealing with an infected tooth. The extracted tooth is replaced with a removable denture, a dental implant, or a bridge. Tooth extraction is more expensive and time-consuming than root canal therapy.

8. Advantages of Root Canal Therapy

Endodontic treatment is an efficient and time-saving way of getting rid of bacterial infections deep inside the tooth. It offers a faster relief for your pain and discomfort than other methods such as extraction.

Root canal treatment provides long-term protection from bacteria and other extensive dental issues for your tooth.

9. Disadvantages of Root Canal Therapy

You could experience a little discomfort as the dentist drills your affected tooth. It, however, is very minimal and will subside in a short while.

There is also a slight risk of reinfection while your tooth goes through the healing process. You should maintain proper oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly to minimize the chances of reinfection.

10. Preparation For Root Canal Therapy

Prepare well before visiting your dentist for root canal treatment. Eat a healthy diet and sleep well to ensure your body is in good shape during the hours of operation. Take some painkillers hours before the procedure to ease any swelling or pain that could occur afterward.

Your dentist will give you a local anesthetic, so you should not take alcohol or smoke tobacco before the procedure.

Call Dr. Molly Rodgers Dental Clinic

If you show any signs of a root canal, feel free to contact us and book an appointment with a dentist. We offer world-class dental services in the Edmonton area and are obliged to cater to your dental needs.

For more information on the dental services we offer, contact us or check out our website. You can text us at (780) 996-2566, or call any of our friendly staff on (587) 410-5907 to book an appointment. You can also visit us at our office in Unit #2905, 2943 66 St NW Edmonton, AB T6K 4C1 today.