A patient recently asked:

What is Acid Erosion? And how do you treat acid erosion in teeth?

Excellent questions. Typically there are three main causes of acid erosion. The first is actual consumption of very acidic foods and beverages in large quantities. This could include citrus fruits and juices and carbonated beverages. Second, acid erosion can also be seen in people who are often nauseous as stomach contents are extremely acidic. The third cause of this type of wear on the teeth is actually not related to acid at all but to clenching and grinding the teeth during sleep. No matter what the cause, treatment options vary depending on severity of the erosion. Some mild areas can be treated using fillings, more severe areas may require a porcelain restoration. And of course we always want to discover the cause of the erosion so we can prevent further damage to the teeth. At Edmonton Smiles we always offer free consultations so feel free to give us a call and we could take a look and give you some options that would be specific to your concerns.