A few weeks into Summer Vacation – Are you kids already giving you a Headache? Can you believe we are a few weeks into summer vacation already? And yes, my kids are telling me they are bored. Can we go shopping, can we go to the Water Park, can we go to Galaxy Land, can we go to the zoo, can all 28 of our friends come over for a sleep over? Or as I like to call them, a “stay-up-over” as there never seems to be any sleep happening on a “sleep over!” Well, I am not much help for anyone trying to entertain their kids over the summer as the answer to all of the above has been a consistent “NO.” So then we are back to the “I’m bored!” So no wonder we are getting headaches! If you are a headache sufferer, with or without the help of your kids, it may actually be related to your bite. Most people don’t think to ask their dentist about headaches as it doesn’t seem to be related. Research shows that headaches and disorders of the jaw joint (Temporomandibular joint or TMJ) are often a result of problems with the dental bite and head and neck posture. And yes, stress can be a contributing factor. So unfortunately I can’t help with the stress of having the kids at home but if you do suffer from headaches, give us a call and we will see if we can at least help with your headaches with tmj headache treatments. The first appointment will be on us and if anything it will give you a small break from the kids at home.